Yesterday we took the kids to get some sand. They have an area in the back yard that is mostly dirt that Brady loves to play with his trucks. I grew up in Sterling, OKla. out in the country, and a couple of miles from our house my dad would load us all up in the blue chevy pick-up and go get a load of sand. I remember riding in the back of the pick-up on top of the sand was more fun than the sand itself! When my dad brought it back to the house he put a plastic tarp down so the grass couldn't grow in our sand pile and it entertained us for hours. This is one of the reasons I love my husband because he loves to find simple ways to entertain the kids and he is good at it. Whether it's showing them a river to wade in or a walk around a pond, or examining a horny-toad or a turtle. So when we decided we would go get a load of sand the excitement started, we would need buckets, a shovel, and of course water bottles since it was a pretty hot day. Thank goodness I grabbed my camera in time! We drive out of town and down a long country road where the road is pretty much pure soft sand. The kids usually have fun playing in the sand while Daddy starts filling buckets. I was so excited to see how they react to the adventure as we have done this nearly every year since Mattie was a baby. As I was helping Mollie get out of the truck she says, "I so escited!" After Steve dug an area for them to sit and cool their feet they immediatly went to playing. I walked around in the field a little just looking....endless blue skies, and as far as you could see just the wide open field. It was so peaceful.... to go somewhere, where you can see nothing but the outstretched land makes you breathe a little deeper and think about your relationship with God. It is so evident once your away from all the "things" in life what really matters most. Your love for God....and if he is pleased with you.
Daddy found a couple of strange tiny eggs while he dug and he wanted to save them to see if a turtle hatches??? So this could be interesting. From the loading up, the playing and digging to spreading the soft sand into a new place in our backyard I enjoyed every minute of it all! I know they will get a lot of good use from it and hopefully great memories from the whole experience.